How to Organize Anime Images

Ever find yourself swamped with tons of images and don't know what to do? Since Spring is now here, it's the perfect time to get all those beautiful pictures in nice folders. Although this task isn't always an easy one. I've had a problem with organization and locating images for a while now, but I figured out a colorful and vibrant way to lay out my folders. Today, I'd like to share my way of organizing anime images and creating an anime-styled folder. Please keep reading if this interests you, and if you're lacking images, check out my many anime-based image posts! With that being said, let's begin! A layered organization scheme is very useful for art gallery folders or anime series folder where there's a lot of categories or characters. When gathering images, I tend to browse websites such as Pixiv . I find that Pixiv provides images that aren't found in other areas, as they're uploaded directly by the artist. Websites such as Ya...