The Twelve Days of Anime: Music

Miki Vocaloid Christmas
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On the fourth day of Xmas, anime gave to me, a  sweet sweet melody! Welcome to the fourth day of Xmas, continuing the special event "The Twelve Days of Anime." If this is the first post you're seeing, please take the time to read the introduction, so you know what's going on.

Today's post is going to be short and sweet so don't expect a long read! Basically, today I want to share a on a few holiday-themed songs with you all that originate from one of my favorite anime outlets; Vocaloid!

Please feel free to check out the playlist below (click the link if it doesn't show), and if you wish, share your own in the comments.

Merry Xmas and stay tuned for the next post friends~


  1. I love the playlist!! You can feel the holiday in this kind of music. And its meaning is so positive. Thank you for sharing this playlist!


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