Shooting Star Dreamer Blog Update June 2015

Blog Update Shooting Star Dreamer

Hello everyone, and long time no see! Yes, it's been a while since I've posted, I'm aware. (Technically almost a month.) I can say that I really hope I can start posting again soon, as things are finally settling down a little. So, you might be wondering where I've been and why content has trickled down over the past few months. I'll be talking about that a bit today, but I also want to post a few plans for the future of Shooting Star Dreamer for you guys. This post shouldn't be too long, so bear with me!

First things first, I have been very busy over the course of this school semester. Yes, school ended for me around the beginning of May, however I am now in my Summer semester which means more classes and less time for blogging. My schedule has been changing around quite a bit so it is taking a good amount of time for me to adapt to it. Along with that all the work has been seriously a killer for blog ideas and writing. Mental fatigue is pretty hard.

However, I don't want to use those reasons as an excuse not to blog. I really enjoy writing, anime, gaming, Japan, and most importantly I appreciate my many readers and followers. Even those who have only read a single post. (Maybe this one.) So I hope I can come up with new ideas and posts for you all in the near future. I'll also try to watch a lot more anime and actually finish them, and maybe share my thoughts and lessons here as well.

Moving away from myself, I really want to do a fresh overhaul of my blog and perhaps reorganize things. Not necessarily as much content wise, but more of layout and design. I would love for my website to be easy to navigate and appealing to most viewers, but without your input it's a little hard for me to go about with this.

I want to call this new project Shooting Star Dreamer: Rebirth, which I will explain in detail in the future.

So if you have the time after reading through the post, let me know what you like or dislike about my blog's layout. Is it easy to navigate? Can you find what you want? Is sifting through posts a chore or a breeze? Any input is welcome as long as it's constructive and not destructive. Please post about it in the comments below!

One of the newest additions is already being implemented as you're reading this; better thumbnails and title images for posts, along with more consistent post layouts and artist credits. I tried to keep the thumbnails simple, as I have to make them for each post, but still straightforward and to the point. The purpose of this is to sort posts outside of word categories but by colors. Thus, each post type that I specialize in will have a color associated with it, unless it's an oddball. (Like this one.)

That's all for now my wonderful readers! Hopefully you continue to stick with me through thick and thin, even though it's a little hard to get posts out at this time. This post was a little more personal, but I figured you all deserved to hear the truth behind my absence!

Until next time~


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