Happy New Year and Resolutions!

I hadn't intended to make a post today, but I found myself with the free time and energy to do so! Today is New Year's Eve for me, and 2015 has already hit for others. So while this is a time about moving forward, it's also a time about thinking back and not leaving things undone.

Now that we're officially at the end, I looked through all my blog posts from this year and those from the beginning of Shooting Star Dreamer. It's crazy seeing how much my writing has evolved over the years, and how my interests have changed and developed.

In the past, I could see myself running with the potential to be successful and do a lot. I had a lot of passion, but I was running on passion alone. This time around, I picked up a few new things and experiences. I feel more mature, wiser, and most importantly, more intelligent! Now, I can picture myself progressing like a well oiled machine. I think that's a major improvement in a matter of a year.

So looking back at this improvement, I think my blog has progressed as well. In fact, I have a whole bunch of exciting announcements for you guys once the New Year comes around; that will change the blog a whole lot, so look forward to that!

In the meantime, I wanted to write out a few resolutions for the oncoming year. This time, I'd like to focus on myself AND my blog, instead of the blog alone. Being a writer has more to do with just writing, as the quality of the person can affect his or her work.

For my resolutions, I've narrowed them down to a couple of things:

  • Perform continuous work on my blog and writing, to become better at the two.
  • Give back to my readers and the anime community in general.
  • Providing blog posts in different forms of media, for those who aren't all that into reading.
  • Start working on the *new project* I have in store.
  • Watching a lot of anime, specifically ones that I genuinely enjoy.
When it comes to myself:

  • Doing whatever it takes to maintain my positive mindset and outlook.
  • Continue helping people no matter who or what they may be.
  • Attempt to understand people more.
  • Find another anime character I can identify with, as a role model.
  • Become more intelligent and refined.
  • Despite all the experiences, lessons, and encounters, remaining true to myself and never losing my way.

With that said, that's pretty much all. I know it's not necessary to have so many resolutions, but this is the type of person I am. I think that's one of the most important lessons to remember when going through life. Along with never giving up and being kind to others, we should always remember our true selves. 

I'm really thankful for all the experiences and encounters I've had this year, it has truly been a time of ups and downs in a good way, and I hope 2015 will be even better. 

"Let's blast through with Sonic Speed!"


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