Dreaming of Anime: Shooting Star Dreamer Blog Update?

Sorry about the lack of posts, but there's been so much going on lately, that I've had little time to just sit and think. I get most of my ideas from dreaming, like my blog's name. No, not literally dreaming at night, but day dreams and thinking about the future. I guess this post could be considered a blog update, but it's basically me just talking about my thoughts now that I've finally gotten the chance to sit and think about my blog, and anime of course.

Although my individual posts may not get enormous amounts of views, the fact that my blog has now reached 50k total, is pretty stunning. I never expected so many people would read my writing, much less, I didn't expect it to be any good. So I thank everyone single one of those viewers!

I will continue to bring forward new posts and topics, relating to anime, video games, Japan, and more. I have also been watching a few new anime during this season. I will make posts on those soon, just please give me a little bit of time. (Especially since I found one I really like.)

Despite the fact that I will be working on new posts, I would like to re-share a few of my old ones that I really liked. If you have free time or if you are simply curious, please take a look at them.

Aside from my blog, I really love the way anime is also moving forward, even here in America. I run into more and more people who love anime, and it's now being seen as something important. People are actually taking anime seriously, and I love that. I would love to continue working to break the otaku stereotype, but I feel that might not be an easy thing to change.. It's going to take a lot of work, but I wont give up.

That's all for now! please look forward to more posts in the near future and check the ones I link here if you have a chance.


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