Blog Update September 2014

Hello everyone! I have a lot to say this time around. If you've been following me on my social networks, then you're probably already informed of the things I'm announcing. If not, keep reading, there's a lot to say.

First of all, I've started college again. No, I'm not sad or depressed that I'm in school, but instead I'm pretty happy. I get to continue with my college studies. More importantly, I get to learn more Japanese. So I might try to work some Japanese into my posts, and even teach my readers a bit.

Aside from that, I get the chance to interact with tons of people who have similar interests, which is pretty great for sparking new post ideas. For bloggers who are having trouble finding ideas; watch people and how they act, get out and be active in the world!

Another new thing is that I've created a Google Plus for myself and my blog. I know Google Plus isn't popular around certain parts of the web, but I'm loving it so far. If you have the opportunity please follow either my profile or blog page. You can find the links below. I haven't found a great way to work my audience into my blog and writing yet, but the idea of doing some sort of event or Google Hangout interests me. So please stay tuned.

Last but not least, I've created a portfolio for all my work. I know I have a page that describes this blog and everything, but there's limited space for myself. So if you want to know more about me and the things I do on the side, please check out my portfolio website. 

Be warned, the website isn't finished and I'll be constantly improving it as time goes on. I just wanted to get the news out to my readers!

That's all for now my readers. Thank you for staying with me for this long! I'm very grateful. Until next time, see you!


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