Always Remember How to Dream!

Gemini remembers how to dream, you should too! Hello again! I feel like this post is something I should have addressed a long time ago, especially with regards to the name of this blog. I would just like to tell anyone who is reading this, that they have the power to accomplish their dreams, but what good is this advice when you're already given up on believing? If you've given up on your dreams due to some silly notion that you'll never be able to achieve them, please keep reading. Before I created this blog I already had a few big dreams. Wanting to go to Japan is a huge one, as many people are just hoping to find a job in the future that provides them with decent pay. Yet for me, living the simple life wasn't enough. I wanted more from life than money and a basic job, I wanted to go to the place that had everything I loved. So what did I do? I began researching and desperately trying to learn Japanese, but I never got really far. It was hard for me to lea...