Project X Zone U.S. Release

Project "Cross" Zone Do you like Capcom? Maybe you love Namco...? How about Sega? Well, if you're not a fan of these companies then you're out of luck. Project X Zone, is a 3DS game featuring a collaboration between the mentioned gaming companies. While not only featuring decent gameplay, the game combines characters from multiple series. Units work together in paired groups, containing one support only character. No, it's nothing like Smash Brothers. Well, sure it does feature fighting elements, but it's more of a turn based strategy game merged with one combo fighter. So how do the controls work? While on the field units each have a turn to move, attack, use and collect items. Unlike Fire Emblem, you're not allowed to move each unit when you feel like it. It seemed that the turn order is already decided. Don't worry, the game differing from Fire Emblem is still a good thing. Using and collecting items, opening treasure chests, and other ...